We are - you , her, them and every - her who is supportive of the other - her!Come join the endeavor to uplift each other to support each other in the bond of womanship.
Nataly Deepika Hameeda
Three women from three different parts of the world, Three different age groups and perhaps three different thought processes yet one womanhood came up together and united in the bond of uplifting each other and the women around us.
We are - you , her, them and every - her who is supportive of the other - her!
Come join the endeavor to uplift each other to support each other in the bond of womanship.
The Concept
Emerging into the world under the banner
“it’s a girl!”
Comes wrapped in nothing but pink
Born pink
Helium-filled mylar screams
Branding new life from first breath
Softness bubble-gum wrapped
Cotton candy kissed
Baby girl be soft
Gentle girl
Sit pretty sit silent
Swallow down your voice
Only open your mouth to make
Pink butterflies cascade beauty
- excerpt from poem by Raysen Rae
And though beautiful and true this is exactly what
we challenge and dream to change with #pinknomore
Join the ranks of women challenging the pink blue divide
Join in with your expressions of why we are not just pink
but much more
Join in with your version of #pinknomore
And we promise to repost and spread the word.